Need a simple way to see all income & expenses in one place?
Save money and time with an orgainsed & categorised budget plan
Subscribe below for your FREE copy now.
Save money and time with an orgainsed & categorised budget plan
Subscribe below for your FREE copy now.
Add expenses by week, month or year and the monthly average will be calculated for you.
We've listed some common expenses to help you on your way but feel free to add your own
Don't forget to give your expense a "category" so it can be summarised in the totals
Now add your income.
This could be from just one source or multiple.
add by month week or year and the sheet will calculate the monthly average.
Now see the summary on the front page
View all your monthly expenses, your monthly income and how much is left over in a single sheet.
Change any of the numbers in either sheet and hit refresh to see the new totals.
CLICK the button below for a detailed description of how it works.
We’re always making new tools to help you manage your money and your debt in the best way you can.