Need a simple way to see all your debts in one place?

Save money and time with an orgainsed debt plan

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What It Does

Credit Cards

Use the cheap ones and pay off the most expensive!

I have way more credit cards than I should do, even though some of them are empty, this sheet helps me to keep track of the expensive ones and their credit limits so that if I do have to use one of them I can make sure is a cheap one!

Even better - if I have money to pay off my debt - I use this to pay off the ones that are costing the most!


Debt can actually be worthwhile if it is in an asset that is generating more cash for you overall than it's actually costing you in debt.
It's a complex balancing act but this sheet will give you an overview of your net worth (assets - debts) so you can see if you are coming down on the right side of the scales!


Pick your lenders!

Some lenders use your debt to asset ratio to decide if they want to lend to you - this is automatically calculated for you on this sheet so that you can gauge the best lenders to apply to, before you waste your time with the application.

Cost of Debt

Knowing where to throw your spare cash or which card you absolutely must switch to 0% asap could save you $'000s!
How much of your monthly payments actually pays off the outstaning balance? Any ideas?
You might think you are paying $500 off your debt every month but $400 of that might be the cost of debt (i.e. interest & charges).

Current (checking) Accounts

Keeping track of debt balances alonside asset balances can get really complicated.
Is it better to use cash and assests to pay off debt or save the cash for a rainy day?
Seeing it all in one place and how much its costing you can help with that decision.

"Using this debt tracker has been a game changer for stopping that nagging feeling of finance fear and overwhelm. Lindsey's resources on the whole have been invaluable in seeing what I've got and making the most out of my finances and I recommend these resources to all of my clients who want to master their money."

We’re always making new tools to help you manage your money and your debt in the best way you can.

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